Wholeheartedly Walker


Book obsessed and always hungry

Welcome to my little slice of the world! Here’s where I share about my life and some of my favorite things – Jesus, books, mental health, food, clothes, motherhood & fertility, and more!

I’m truly blessed to be a wife and Mama. Four years ago, I had the most beautiful little girl in all the world, Q! She is a bright, raging, light and I still can’t believe I get to be the person she calls “Mama”. Two years ago, I met my absolute ham of a husband, Jeff, and we got married in August of 2023. I’m telling myself that was not very long, so it’s still totally acceptable for me to share tons of photos! 

Writing is my passion, and I believe that one of my greatest callings in life, aside from being a wife and mother, is to help people feel less alone. The best way I know how to do that is with my words.

I hope when you leave here, it’s with validation, love, and inspiration. 

Get to know me!

CHELSEA right now


Outlander – Book 2 by Diana Gabaldon


Guts by Olivia Rodrigo


Ugly Betty Season 3

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